Robert Rauschenberg in front of his Vydock series photographed in his Laika Lane studio, Captiva, Florida, 1995. Photo: Ed Chappell.
Rauschenberg Emergency Grants
New York, NY – The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) has partnered with the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation to administer a new medical emergency grant program called Rauschenberg Emergency Grants. This marks the first phase of a program that will be in the tradition of Change, Inc., a non-profit foundation established in 1970 by Robert Rauschenberg to assist professional artists of all disciplines in need. Beginning in May 2020, the program will provide visual and media artists and choreographers with one-time grants of up to $5,000 for medical emergencies.
“We are delighted to be partnering with NYFA to launch this program which directly reflects Bob’s own concern for the well-being of fellow creative practitioners. Bob was both responsive and generous in his own giving, and we aim to follow those values in developing the Foundation’s philanthropic initiatives.” said Kathy Halbreich, Executive Director of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.
Detailed information can be found on NYFA’s Rauschenberg Emergency Grants website.